Did you know that over 30,000,000 people suffer from undiagnosed vein disease?
And less than 1.5% get treated…
Most people know of varicose or bulging veins and spider veins. But did you know that venous disease causes much more than just those conditions?
In fact, at our vein clinic in Surprise Arizona, it is common to see people who have been complaining of:
- Fatigue
- Achey or sore legs
- Leg Heaviness
- Burning sensations
- Itchy Legs
And much more…
If you have unexplained physical symptoms or visual vein conditions in your legs, then Dr. Ryan Jones may be able to help you.
How To Select The Best Vein Specialist in Surprise, Arizona
Identifying that you have a vein disorder is the first step towards seeking treatment.
The next is finding a doctor who can confirm a diagnosis along with providing the necessary treatment. Since varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency may worsen over time, choosing the right doctor is crucial. This comes down to doing a bit of research before selecting a vein clinic.
What To Look For In A Vein Doctor Near Surprise AZ
There are a couple of factors that you can consider while searching for a vein specialist in Surprise Arizona. The tips given below will provide you with some guidance on what you should be looking for in a vein clinic.
The Vein Clinic’s Specialty
This might come as a surprise, but there are several doctors who can treat varicose veins. In fact, any general physician can help.
However, this doesn’t guarantee that they’ll be the best at it. Vein treatment might not be a procedure they perform regularly. This creates more room for error and possibly questionable outcomes. To ensure that the treatment provides the best possible results,
You need a vein specialist who is a surgeon…
A vascular surgeon or vein specialist undergo years of training to perfect their craft. They would have spent more time assessing and treating various kinds of vein disorders. Therefore looking for a specialist with ample experience in vascular surgery is a step in the right direction for proper treatment.
Board Certifications
This is the most essential factor to consider as a board certification proves the doctor’s legitimacy. Not having proper accreditations and credentials is a sign that you should avoid the clinic.
The best vein clinic in Surprise, Arizona will be –
- Board-certified by notable organizations like American College of Surgeons along with other certifications in vascular surgery or vascular medicine
- Be recognized by the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine
- Additionally, the vein clinic should treat vein disorders regularly and have no history of malpractice.
These are the bare minimum certificatory requirements for a vein clinic. Anything beyond that is an added bonus.
Using The Newest Equipment To Treat Venous Insufficiency
To ensure the ultimate success of vein treatment, it is necessary that it be performed with state-of-the-art equipment.
Selecting a vein clinic with the wrong equipment can:
- Cause you more pain
- Cause more bruising and swelling
- Cause more downtime and missed work
- And potentially less successful outcomes
Selecting a vein clinic with the RIGHT equipment will:
- Dramatically reduce pain, sometimes without any at all
- Reduce or completely remove the chance of bruising or swelling
- Often a patient can be back at work the very next day
- Lead to greater success during your treatment outcome
- What Vascular Equipment Is Best?
It is not uncommon for some vein doctors to use vein stripping or laser treatment during vein surgery. However, what patients don’t often know, is if your doctor uses the wrong equipment, you may often suffer more pain, longer recovery, and possible complications.
Advanced Vein Treatments in Surprise Arizona Include
- VenaSeal™
- ClosureFast™
- Diagnostic Ultrasound Specialists
The vein specialist should have access to the latest equipment listed above, and clarify to the patient on what is their best options during treatment.
Read Their Reviews
Most vein clinics have integrated a feature that allows patients to leave a review of their experience. These reviews can help provide some valuable insight into whether the clinic is worth the visit or not.
Say No To Re-Used Catheters

Did you know that some vein clinics reuse catheters on different patients? While we don’t believe in this practice, find out why other clinics are using this procedure to save money without patients knowing the real facts.
Treatment Options for Vein Disorders
The right vein treatment depends on the type of vein disorder you have along with its severity. In fact, picking the wrong treatment option may lead to increased recovery time, and pain. Now, new minimally-invasive and much more effective treatment options are available to patients.
At Vein Envy, we offer a range of treatment options including:
- Venous Closure
- Sclerotherapy
- VenaSeal Treatment
- Microphlebectomy
- Radiofrequency Ablation
- Venous Leg Ulcer Treatment
- Lymphedema Management
The best vein clinic in Surprise, Arizona will conduct a detailed assessment and analysis of your veins before choosing the suitable treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the vein need to be removed?
Whether or not you need vein removal depends on the severity of your vein condition. Treatments like venous closures and VenaSeal® work just as effectively as a vein removal. However, microphlebectomy allows the surgeon to remove varicose veins in small sections without invasive surgery.
Are vein treatments covered by insurance?
Most vein treatments, deemed medically necessary, are covered by a majority of insurance providers. Your physician will discuss your options and insurance coverage in detail during your consultation.
What if I need the vein for bypass in the future?
The veins removed to treat your vein disease are not viable for bypass surgery. If you require a bypass surgery in the future, your physician should be able to harvest other healthy vessels.
How long is the recovery?
Recovery depends on the extent of the veins treated in your legs. Generally, minimally-invasive treatments like Venous Closure® allow patients to resume normal activities almost immediately. Any additional recovery instructions will be provided by the surgeon.
Schedule a Vein Screening in Surprise, Arizona
At Vein Envy, you can rest assured that the clinic specializes in taking care of and providing treatment to patients with vein diseases. We use the latest technology for the various methods of vein treatments, and we offer you a comprehensive range of options for treatment based on your specific needs.
When it comes to the credentials of the doctor, you will be delighted to know that our board-certified vein doctors who specialize in vein treatments and venous disorders.
Schedule a vein screening with our vein specialists to get a comprehensive understanding of your situation and the best course of treatment.